Live.the.Future's Space

Friday, July 07, 2006

George W. Bush: Worst President in History

It's official, Dubya is the Emperor Nero of the U.S. So says Rolling Stone, a magazine I normally wouldn't consider for in-depth political commentary, but in this case they make a pretty good argument.

Proving that neocons have little in common with "traditional" conservatives, Bush has abandoned all semblance of fiscal responsibility and small gov't. He entered office with the biggest budget surplus in American history; he's turned it into the biggest deficit in our history.

If one needs further evidence that he is pissing away this country's future, consider this. Every president in the history of this country, thru and including Clinton, has borrowed a sum total of $1.01 trillion for gov't financing. Bush, to date, has borrowed a total of $1.05 trillion--more than all previous presidents combined. This is big, big money that will have to be repaid by all future generations. The yearly interest on it alone will have a noticeable dampening effect on our economy.

Bush fiddles while America burns--and to boot, he's the arsonist.


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