Happy Devil's Day!

Of course, for those of us who choose to live rational lives and regard stuff like this as superstitious nonsense, today is just another day like all the others. I think even many xtians would attach little or no significance to this date. There are, though, some highly superstitious types out there, especially of a more fundamentalist bent, who may regard this date with ominous foreboding. These are probably many of the same people who thought the world was going to end at the turn of the millenium (because don'tcha know, god likes nice round numbers to end worlds on), and who forbid their kids from trick-or-treating because they think Halloween is a satanic holiday.
On the chance that you actually know any such people, give them a devilish grin and be sure to wish them a happy Devil's Day.
Addendum: Look out, Satan has taken over Blogspot! While trying to publish this, I got numerous "connection reset" browser errors, as well as several Blogspot "sorry for the inconvenience" errors. When I finally succeeded, there were six copies of this post. I deleted five of them. I've gotten numerous more errors just trying to edit this post to add this addendum, and this addendum mysteriously disappeared once....
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