Live.the.Future's Space

Thursday, June 01, 2006

some ideas for possible LP/libertarian commercials: #1

This is the first of several occasional ideas for commercials or advertisements for my party of choice, the Libertarian Party. This first one would build on the Advocates' "Operation Politically Homeless" theme. In its entirety it's about 2:45, a bit long for a single commercial, but perhaps it could be shortened or broken into smaller parts.

Middle-aged guy: "For years I've voted Republican. I have strong concerns about the economy, and it's proven knowledge that a gently-regulated free market is the best way to go. I had thought that Republicans also supported the free market. But even with a Republican president and Congress, federal spending has gone through the roof. There's more pork than ever! This is wasteful spending that our kids, and their kids, will be paying for long after we're gone. And corporate cronyism? That's not a part of capitalism!"
20-something guy: "Any way you look at it, the war on drugs is a failure, and has been since its creation. We spend hundreds of billions of dollars on feel-good, 'tough-on-crime' laws that only make the bad effects of drug use worse, while shredding the Constitutional rights of everyday citizens. Support for the drug war I expected from Republicans, but I thought the Democrats would stick up for protecting our rights and for compassionate, sane legislation. Unfortunately, they seem to think it's more important to pander for votes than to stick up for principles."
Black guy: "I grew up in the inner city. All my life I watched businesses flee my neighborhood, leaving unemployment, higher crime, and dependency on welfare in their wake. So I decided to do something about it. I opened up my own business. Then, I found out why the businesses were leaving: political corruption, outrageous taxes, and so much red tape you couldn't hardly run a business. All the while, the same Democratic politicians who created this mess keep preaching about how they support the little guy. It's hypocrisy!"
Woman: "As a practicing member of a minority religion, I always thought I should be voting Republican, because they're the party that's supposed to be concerned with religious liberty. Instead, they've been all but taken over by far-right religious extremists, who want to impose their specific brand of religious belief on the rest of the country, to the exclusion of any others. Their idea of religious liberty just means they want the right to force their particular religion down everyone else's throat!"
Announcer: "Tens of millions of Americans have grown jaded and disillusioned with the two major parties. Tired of corruption, weary of pork-barrel spending, and wanting a party that still stands for something, they find themselves politically homeless. To those Americans, we want you to know that there is a place for you. There's a party that supports both a free economy, and the civil liberties that are our nation's most defining and successful traits. A party that supports and will stick to the principles of freedom--freedom of commerce, and of self. Come home to a party you can feel good about again. We're America's third largest party, and first in principles. Come home, to the Libertarian Party."


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