Does working six jobs qualify me as a workaholic?
Yes, I'm actually holding six jobs right now--sort of. I work for a local ISP from about 11am to 5pm each day. Been doing that for a couple months now.
In the mornings, and if needed right after I get off at 5pm from that ISP job, I also work for a second local ISP. Pretty much the same work--troubleshoots, installs, & handling customers. The two companies were in merger talks at one time, I don't know if that's still on or not.
Job #3 I work from 6-10pm. I score state exams for 5th- & 6th-grade math. Although occasionally entertaining, this job is mostly mind-numbing. It's also given me a real appreciation for just how badly our public schools are utterly failing to do their job--either that, or lead pipes are back in style.
The fourth job is a recent weekend gig. A friend of mine runs an ISP up in northwestern Indiana, and I've been helping him do wireless site surveys, installs, and network infrastructure maintenance & repairs. Some of that work I've been doing for him pro bono, in part because we've been friends since about 5th grade (about 25 years), and partly because it's a real educational opportunity for me.
Then there's some editorial work I'm doing for a local publishing house. It's freelance work, and I can do it in my spare time. My wife actually signed me up for that job, she was working there for some time and now also freelances for them.
My sixth job is with a consulting/temp agency. They get me the occasional one-shot gig doing PC/server deployments, site inventories, POS rollouts, and such. They're one of the many I.T.-oriented temp agencies you can find out there. My work with them isn't very regular, but it gives me a few extra bucks every now and then, plus some more resume-padding.
I'll tell ya, I'm hoping I don't get burned out. The good thing about being as busy as I am, though, is that you don't have time to get burned out. :-) Also, the variety of work I do keeps things from getting too monotonous. There are downsides, of course. I miss sleeping in, I'd like more time to spend with my wife, I'm still not making as much money as I would be with a single good career, and my Tivo's getting piled up with a backlog of programs. But, my current work status certainly isn't going to be permanent. I have some possibilities on the horizon for full-time work at either yet another local ISP (which in turn is also looking to partner with one of the ISP's I currently work for), my friend's ISP up in NW IN, or possibly as a network tech at the local university. It will probably be next month at least before I know anything definite about any of those, though.
What a busy life I'm leading! I'm not feeling any self-pity though; I don't like that emotion in others, and I like it even less in myself. Self-pity is a very disempowering emotion...but that's a subject for a future blog entry. It's almost 5pm as I write this now, and I've got 4 more hours of work plus a two-hour drive ahead of me!
In the mornings, and if needed right after I get off at 5pm from that ISP job, I also work for a second local ISP. Pretty much the same work--troubleshoots, installs, & handling customers. The two companies were in merger talks at one time, I don't know if that's still on or not.
Job #3 I work from 6-10pm. I score state exams for 5th- & 6th-grade math. Although occasionally entertaining, this job is mostly mind-numbing. It's also given me a real appreciation for just how badly our public schools are utterly failing to do their job--either that, or lead pipes are back in style.
The fourth job is a recent weekend gig. A friend of mine runs an ISP up in northwestern Indiana, and I've been helping him do wireless site surveys, installs, and network infrastructure maintenance & repairs. Some of that work I've been doing for him pro bono, in part because we've been friends since about 5th grade (about 25 years), and partly because it's a real educational opportunity for me.
Then there's some editorial work I'm doing for a local publishing house. It's freelance work, and I can do it in my spare time. My wife actually signed me up for that job, she was working there for some time and now also freelances for them.
My sixth job is with a consulting/temp agency. They get me the occasional one-shot gig doing PC/server deployments, site inventories, POS rollouts, and such. They're one of the many I.T.-oriented temp agencies you can find out there. My work with them isn't very regular, but it gives me a few extra bucks every now and then, plus some more resume-padding.
I'll tell ya, I'm hoping I don't get burned out. The good thing about being as busy as I am, though, is that you don't have time to get burned out. :-) Also, the variety of work I do keeps things from getting too monotonous. There are downsides, of course. I miss sleeping in, I'd like more time to spend with my wife, I'm still not making as much money as I would be with a single good career, and my Tivo's getting piled up with a backlog of programs. But, my current work status certainly isn't going to be permanent. I have some possibilities on the horizon for full-time work at either yet another local ISP (which in turn is also looking to partner with one of the ISP's I currently work for), my friend's ISP up in NW IN, or possibly as a network tech at the local university. It will probably be next month at least before I know anything definite about any of those, though.
What a busy life I'm leading! I'm not feeling any self-pity though; I don't like that emotion in others, and I like it even less in myself. Self-pity is a very disempowering emotion...but that's a subject for a future blog entry. It's almost 5pm as I write this now, and I've got 4 more hours of work plus a two-hour drive ahead of me!
You have not been in love, i think..lately!
Its better to be workaholic than sitting idle with devils head.. better life..i would say.
Nishu, at 10:38 PM, May 24, 2006
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