New "featurette" for this blog
I've just added another little block-column to the right-hand sidebar of this blog, titled What I'm "Reading" Now. "Reading" is in quotes because some of the books I don't actually read, but listen to on CD or MP3. My job requires me to spend enough time in my car each day that audiobooks are a good alternative to music or talk radio. (Plus the antenna's broken on my car, so radio reception is kinda crappy.)
In the past month or so I've also taken a liking to the wonderful world of podcasting. I can download a podcast MP3, burn it to CD-RW, and listen to it in my car. My current podcast faves: Scientific American, and NPR's Science Friday. What can I say, I'm a science geek. :^)
In the past month or so I've also taken a liking to the wonderful world of podcasting. I can download a podcast MP3, burn it to CD-RW, and listen to it in my car. My current podcast faves: Scientific American, and NPR's Science Friday. What can I say, I'm a science geek. :^)
geeks do science.
gP, at 2:59 AM, April 06, 2006
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