Live.the.Future's Space

Monday, February 20, 2006

And God said, "Whew! I'm pooped."

While reading this article on how necessary it is for evolution to be false for creationists, I got to thinking about the literal translation of Genesis. In it, god created "life, the universe, and everything" in six days, resting on the seventh. But...isn't he supposed to be omnipotent? Why did he need six days? Couldn't he have done everything in the blink of an eye? And what need does an omnipotent being have for rest? A literal reading would then suggest that maybe he's not so omnipotent after all. (Or omniscient, either.)

Careful consideration of the consequences of a literal translation of creation would then reveal that maybe god isn't omnipotent after all. Of course given all the other contradictions and nonsense found in the bible, it is rather obvious that the great majority of literalists give little or no actual, rational thought to the bible. Ergo, it's not a problem for them.

As a heathen unbeliever, biblical contradictions don't weigh on my beliefs. It does bother me, though, that such biblical issues also don't seem to weigh on the beliefs of many self-professed christians. Such is the nature of blind faith, I suppose.


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